I have always been suspicious of certain types of so-called faux fur and now this: the Humane Society of the United States has been conducting an investigation of several big stores and determined that the faux fur used on coats is actually dog/raccon dog fur from fucking China.
An excerpt follows below:
Dog Fur on Sale
An ongoing investigation by The HSUS has found some of the biggest names in fashion selling raccoon dog fur trim on jackets that were mislabeled, advertised as another species or not labeled at all. The investigation also turned up dog fur on sale.
The HSUS investigation has found:
Dog fur sold online as "faux" by Nordstrom's, Tommy Hilfiger and Bluefly.com. The brands involved are Tommy Hilfiger, Joie and Andrew Marc.
Raccoon dog fur on coats sold online as "raccoon" by Neiman Marcus, Dillard's and Loehmann's (via Smartbargains.com), and as "rabbit" by Bergdorf Goodman and Footlocker. The brands involved were Andrew Marc, Michael Kors, Oscar de la Renta, Bogner and Rocawear.
Misidentified or unlabeled raccoon dog fur sold on jackets by retailers and brands including DKNY, Lord and Taylor, Ross, D.E.M.O, Rocawear, Macy's, Baby Phat, J.C. Penney and Burlington Coat Factory.
For further details, click here.
The victims
Each year over 50 million animals—including millions of dogs and cats—are killed for their fur worldwide. Although the fur industry does its best to keep the cruelty out of sight, suffering is a common ingredient in all methods of procuring fur, from fur factory farming to trapping. Many, perhaps more than half, of these animals are killed specifically for fur trim—it is not a by-product.
The following are some of the animals murdered for their fur:
Dogs and Cats: Over two million dogs and cats are victims of the fur trade—primarily killed intentionally for their fur, but also injured and killed in traps set for other animals.
Seal Pups: Canada's annual seal hunt is the largest slaughter of marine mammals on the planet. Hundreds of thousands of seals are killed for their pelts each year, with many skinned alive.
Various wild animals: including lynx, bobcats and wolves, suffer and die in traps each year. Countless dogs and cats, deer, birds and other animals—including threatened and endangered animals—are also injured and killed each year by the indiscriminate traps.
Newborn and Fetal Karakul Lambs: Newborn and fetal karakul lambs are killed to make fur labeled "karakul," "astrakhan," "Persian," "broadtail" and other names.
For more details about the vitims and/or to view video, click here
I believe that, one day, fur production will be abolished as it should be. There is absolutely no reason anyone needs to wear it today, except for vanity. Which makes it a heinous fashion choice, in my opinion.
This video shows what happens to the animal whose fur is stripped off just to make a fucking coat or piece of trim. It's barbaric.
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