I had to go to PetCo yesterday because the dogs were running out of their dry food. Thankfully, the kibble we feed them is not on the huge list of recalled foods. Besides, all those foods that were recalled were derivative of animal by-products and my dogs are vegan. They had been vegetarian but I've been baking their treats for them, as opposed to purchasing over-priced "vegetarian" treats. Now, I can control what goes into those cookies and they're definitely vegan :)
Anyway, as part of their daily diet, we feed them Avo-Derm Vegetarian kibble and wet-food and you can only buy that at PetCo. While there, I decided to find some squeaky toys for Otto but found none that I thought he would enjoy.
I found myself drawn to the rodent area, after talking to the birds, and found two chinchillas!

I have never seen them up close and, to be honest, don't recall seeing them in photos either. I've only seen their pelts once they've been made into coats :(
They were adorable! If I didn't have four dogs, I'd definitely buy one for a pet. I couldn't tear myself away from their cage. I was marvelling at what sweet little creatures they were, with such long whiskers. It made me sad to realize that they are killed to make ugly coats. Apallingly, it takes 200 chinchillas to make one coat. Fucking Madonna and J-Lo.

I took a few pics with the camera on my cell phone but I haven't uploaded them yet. However, I did google chinchilla images and found out quite a bit about them. For instance, they can live up to 15 years and have an agreeable nature.
These two sites, one French and the other Croatian were very interesting, regarding chinchillas raised on fur farms in Croatia. Who knew?

a chinchilla killed (by electrocution) for her fur
I really hate fur coats (except on the animals they belong to) and the people who wear them.
Why can't this fashion choice be abolished forever? No one really needs to wear fur these days yet they continually choose to perpetuate this barbaric practice. And, right now, I'm thinking of the remaining baby harp seals who are being hunted down, at this very moment, in Canada's St Lawrence region. Apparently, there was an ecological disaster in that the ice floes melted quickly and thousands of newborn seals drowned in the icy waters. Yet, shockingly, the Canadian government still okayed the hunt! WTF? Every seal the hunters/murderers see, they are killing! It's absolutely mind-boggling. Who the fuck is requesting seal fur and why the fuck do they need to have it? IT.IS.NOT.A.NECESSITY!!
You can learn more about the Canadian seal hunt here and here
As a footnote, I've been on a Sex and the City binge lately and am surprsied at how much fur they wear on that show. It results in me not liking the show so much. Is fur that much of an East Coast phenomenon? As someone who lives on the West Coast, that's how it seems to me. And if that's the case, I'd never want to live there. I'd be too angry everytime I saw someone walk by in the carcass of a dead animal. It's bad enough here....

an image I always see when I think of people who wear fur
i so totally agree with you about everything! and im getting a chinchilla for christmas this year they are so cute and sweet:) and what the hell who would ever wear a fur coat its is re-tarded not kiddding!
and on youtube people made a video with chinchillas and said arent they cute well to bad there gonna be part of a coat in a hour!!! Grrrr it pisses me off so much!
i totally agree with everything you say i have a chinchilla and i couldnt bear to think of him being electrocuted just for his fur, they are really smart and funny animals...
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