Friday, December 08, 2006

Sneaky, sneaky bastards......

I knew all about the AETA passing, through both the Senate and the House, but I hadn't heard that "President" Bush signed it into law, as of 27 November 2006. For the record, I faxed, phoned, and emailed my Representatives to voice my opposition to the AETA but a fat lot of good it did. My local representative is completely opposite my views. For starters, he's a conservative Republican and I am not.

I happened to stumble onto this bit of news via Will Potter, who writes a great blog and is featured in this month's double-issue of Satya magazine.

Will thoughtfully provides a detailed analysis of the AETA (Animal Enterprise Terrorist Act) which you can read here.

Green is the New Red is a blog I'll be reading everyday, from here on out...

And, finally, two informative sites regarding AETA:

1 comment:

Will Potter said...

Thanks for helping to raise awareness about this, and for linking to the site. Hope you're well. Best, Will